
Agricultural transitions and the challenge of scaling up

On Thursday, October 15, a symposium was held, bringing together a number of players from the world of agriculture. An agora of agricultural transitions which, as indicated by the AVRIL foundation, is a “space for reflection to question and refine understanding of what is at stake in agricultural transitions”. We would like to thank Philippe Tillous-Borde, President of the Fondation Avril, and Philippe Leroux, CEO, for their support right from the start of our Roots of Tomorrow serious game on the transition to agro-ecology.
Sovereignty, agro-ecological transition and territorieswere the watchwords of the day .
All the participants, including Philippe Gate from ARVALIS, who is a member of the Roots of Tomorrow scientific advisory board, shared a common vision, expressed with nuances corresponding to the multitude of solutions evoked: transitions in continuity or in rupture, technological innovations, the importance of subsidies on a more or less large scale, knowledge networks to share experimentation..
This vision is that of a more resilient agriculture in the face of climatic challenges and ecological transition, and of a profession that is more recognized and respected.
These are also the convictions of Roots of Tomorrow : to convey as clearly as possible the daily life and choices of a farmer faced with this transition, and to provide the general public and the farming world with a fun tool for learning and experimenting.
A symposium day like this one gives us food for thought on agroecology and reminds us why we’re creating this game!
- VOD of the symposium: https: //
- The Fondation Avril post announcing the program: http: //