Jérémie Anziani
Lead Game Artist

Iwan Natij

Valentin Mornet

Vincent Péquignot

Alison Pernet
Game Designer

Hadrien Prallet
Project Manager

Thomas Vo
QA Testeur
Join Gamabilis
Founded in 2016 by Vincent Péquignot, Gamabilis has a team of around ten people with specialising in various video game professions (game design/conception, game art/graphics, programming, QA/testing). The team is coordinated by a project manager and also includes a communications/marketing and sales team.
See our job offers
Advisory board
Since Gamabilis was founded, 3 partners have accompanied the CEO on an Advisory Board. They meet 3 to 4 times a year to give their opinions on the main strategic and financial orientations.

Franck Carrere
Business Angel
After ten years’ experience in corporate finance, Franck started to specialise in management and information systems consulting with a number of French firms, then as a partner at Deloitte until 2012. Since then, he has been actively involved in a number of innovative projects in various areas of personal assistance.

Patrice Kalfon
After around ten years in auditing and consultancy, Patrice worked for AG2R La Mondiale, chiefly as Group Accounting Director and Actuary. He then founded Ellis Alliance, a management consultancy working in the industrial and insurance sectors. He is a member of the Institute of Actuaries, a chartered accountant registered with the OEC for the Île-de-France region and a statutory auditor member of the Compagnie Nationale.

Pascale Mourvillier
After around ten years in auditing, Pascale specialised in IFRS standards as an expert at a major energy group, and as an independent consultant in recent years, supporting companies and sitting on various boards of directors.
Scientific Advisory Board
A host of people are routinely involved in the production of our games. They come from the world of science, research, medicine, teaching or have operational responsibilities. A Scientific Advisory Board oversees the impact research and regularly discusses the creative process. The board has five members and meets two or three times a year. Roots of Tomorrow (Serious game about agroecology), has a dedicated Scientific Advisory Board.

Hélène Birlouez
Hélène Birlouez is a PhD student working on a CIFRE thesis in the video game industry. She is especially interested in the relationship between gamers and the subject of the video game, as well as the place of video games as cultural, visual, artistic or communicational tools. She is a graduate of the École des hautes études en sciences sociales and the Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, and her research explores the interactions between emotions, cognition and players’ socialisation. She has published multiple articles on cultural and social representations in video games. She is assistant editor of Immersion, a magazine about video games.

Dominique Desjeux
Professor of Anthropology
A professor emeritus at the Sorbonne Sciences Humaines et Sociales (Université Paris Cité), Dominique is a former teacher-researcher. His work covers a wide range of fields, with a particular focus on consumption and innovation. His work has taken him to China, the United States, France, Brazil and Africa, and has involved government departments, NGOs and businesses. He is the author of numerous books and has directed the Sciences Humaines collection at PUF, having previously been editorial director at l’Harmattan. He is also a partner in Gamabilis.

Timothée de Fombelle
Known for his internationally acclaimed books for a young audience, Timothée’s most famous work is Tobie Lolness, which has been translated into 29 languages and has won some twenty awards. He also writes for adults (notably Neverland) and is a playwright (Octobre en bruine, Le Phare, Rosecats). His latest trilogy (Alma) tackles the theme of the slave trade through teenage eyes.

Dorothée Hennebelle
Physical and Rehabilitation Doctor
A hospital consultant at Hôpitaux Paris Est Val de Marne in Saint-Maurice since 2011, Dorothée is in charge of a department specialising in rehabilitation ‘outside the hospital’, through the use of new technologies for people with disabilities, and by monitoring teenagers and adults with congenital neurological brain damage and neurodevelopmental disorders. She also assesses the ability of people with disabilities to drive.

Agnés Mignognac
Dietician and Nutritionist
After working in a hospital nutrition department, she set up her own communications agency to support the agri-food and pharmaceutical industries and institutions with their communication, teaching and therapeutic education needs, before joining LU France. A firm believer in the importance of nutritional education, she has written a number of articles and books, and runs the blog La table des enfants®, a family-friendly approach to healthy eating.

Marianne Tostivint
Video Games Director
After working as a television editor, Marianne moved into the video games industry, first as a game designer and then as game director. She founded Totem Studio and has worked on a number of projects including The Travels of Marco Polo, Secrets of the Lost Cavern (about Lascaux), Nostradamus, the Last Prophecy and ABC Murder. She has worked with Gamabilis on projects such as Summertime, l’Été des choix, Roots Of Tomorrow, inventing tomorrow’s agriculture. She recently set up the Moon Valley studio. Furthermore, she is also a partner in Gamabilis and vice-president of Capital Games.