
Bannière Challenger deep pour la Gamification

Gamification in the workplace: why do we suggest you go one step further?

Bannière Challenger deep pour la Gamification

Gamification consists in taking a situation from everyday or professional life, and transcribing it using games and their codes.

In our professional lives, we all interact with each other: we all have meetings, appointments or informal cafés. How can we continue to interact in the workplace by offering an original device that encourages teamwork?

This can be done, for example, by organizing team challenges during open innovation brainstorming sessions, seminars and so on. Like video games, a system of points, levels and rewards can be set up.

Of course, this experience will make things more fun, but is it enough to really engage your employees?

Focusing on the reward can be counterproductive, as the player may only be motivated by it, and the main objective may take a back seat.

At Gamabilis, we believe that if you want to have a long-term impact, gamification alone is not enough.

Creating an authentic experience with corporate gamification

It’s about going one step further and offering a real video game experience, with a scenario, a universe and challenges to be met alone or as a team. In a game, participants are the actors of their choice. For example, it can help develop creativity and the ability to change points of view. It can also encourage team problem-solving and, more generally, cooperation.

The aim is to facilitate the transposition of applicable behaviors into a professional context, with real long-termimpact.

That’s why we came up with the Challenger Deep game.

Would you like to try out Challenger Deep in your company, for more committed and innovative employees?

Contact us for a demo of our solution!

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