Health issue prevention
Health is a major issue for our societies as well as an individual priority.
COVID-19 was a stark reminder that health issues are usually interrelated, and that prevention of bad health remains one of the best healthcare tools. Nevertheless, spending on health issue prevention is still limited in France (2.5% of the health budget excluding COVID-19 in 2022). Gamabilis firmly believes that high-impact video games have a role to play in prevention policies to inform, raise awareness and help us stay in good health. Gamabilis’ games cover a range of subjects, from the general (diet, sexual practices, sport) to the more specific (epilepsy, addictive substances, high-risk behaviour).
In the future, Gamabilis hopes to tackle the subject of vaccination as the primary lever for public health prevention.
In short, our ambition is to give everyone the desire to be healthier and to understand how to achieve it.
Whatever the theme, there’s always a game mechanic to suit!
Ultimately, there’s no health topic that a video game can’t tackle with a bit of quirkiness, humour or gentle derision.
Other themes
The environment is, of course, the biggest social concern of the years ahead. Gamabilis is opening up this theme through agriculture and the agro-ecological transition, because it’s a central issue that affects food, the climate and biodiversity, and it’s a simple, practical and fun way of tackling the subject. Who hasn’t dreamt of having their own farm?
Society/living together
The societal transformations underway are difficult to grasp because of how many of them are happening all at once. It’s also difficult to see the magnitude of the impact today. Gamabilis is firmly convinced that organisations, and companies in particular, have a major role to play in the impetus for change in society as a whole: developing people’s soft skills over and above their hard skills, diversity and inclusion, and making jobs more attractive.